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Automotive PCB industry: intelligent electric drive to a bright future

Automotive PCB industry: intelligent electric drive to a bright future


Automobile is the fourth largest downstream application of PCB. In 2018, the output value of global automotive PCB was about 7.6 billion US dollars. With the in...

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Selection of PCB circuit board materials in different frequency bands for 5G

As 5G, IoT and other applications will adopt higher frequencies, from 3GHz to 6GHz and even 2-30GHz in the past, which will bring new technical trends for 5G an...



How to see the process capability of circuit board manufacturers

I don't know if you have found that on the websites of most circuit board manufacturers, we always see the column "Process Capability", which seems to...



PCB batch manufacturers: the width of the process edge sets the standard

In the process flow of PCB batch manufacturers, the reservation of process edges is of great significance for subsequent SMT chip processing. The process side i...



Maintenance and maintenance of electroplating production line in circuit board factory

Types of equipment In the production process of the printed circuit board factory, there are two main types of electroplating equipment, one is a horizontal ele...

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