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PCB Safety and Environmental Precautions


1.1. When the cutting machine is turned on, do not reach into the machine.

2.2. Flammable materials such as paper should not be placed next to the oven to prevent fires.

3.3. The temperature setting of the oven must not exceed the specified value.

4.4. Asbestos gloves must be worn when removing boards from the oven, and the boards must be removed after they have cooled down.

5.5. Dispose of waste materials strictly according to the method specified in MEI001 to prevent environmental pollution.

Cutting board

1. Equipment: manual plate cutting machine, target milling machine, CCD Hole punch, gong machine, edging machine, word marking machine, thickness gauge;

2. Function: Laminate shape processing, preliminary forming;


Dismantling board Dotting and drawing lines Cutting large board Milling copper skin Punching Forming gong edge Grinding edge

Typing mark measuring plate thickness

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